Student Consumer Information

Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 Disclosures

以下链接提供了有关罗杰威廉姆斯大学的重要信息, 根据2008年高等教育机会法案的要求.

Financial Assistance Information

Institutional Information

Other Institutional Requirements


Constitution and Citizenship Day

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information

Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act

Student-Right-To-Know Act

Clery (Campus Security) Act

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)


Safeguarding Customer Information

Annual Fire Safety Report


Loan Disclosures

Gainful Employment

What does it really mean?

While we always do our best to speak in plain English, 在申请经济援助的过程中,你一定会遇到一些术语. Here are some simple definitions to help you:

Federal Direct Loan: A low interest (5.49%) loan taken directly from the government. 参见下文的联邦直接补贴/无补贴贷款.

SAI: Student Aid Index. 一种资格指数,大学的经济援助办公室使用它来确定如果学生就读该学校,学生将获得多少联邦学生援助. 这个数字来自学生在FAFSA®表格中提供的信息.

FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid. 这是为你的大学学费申请联邦财政援助的申请表.

Grant: A sum of money provided by a government, 资助教育学习的地方当局或公共基金,无须偿还. 你所在的州也可能为追求高等教育的居民提供助学金和/或奖学金.

Merit-based aid: 经济援助仅根据学生的学习成绩颁发,而不考虑学生的需要. 这通常以奖学金的形式出现,包含在你的录取通知书中.

Need-based aid: 根据学生的经济需要提供经济援助. Need-based aid comes in many forms which may include governmental grants; institutional grants from the University; a work-study arrangement; or loans, repayable at the end of your child’s college career.

Direct Parent Plus Loan: A Federal PLUS Loan allows eligible parents to borrow the total cost of undergraduate education including tuition, room and board, and any other eligible school expenses, minus any aid the child is receiving in their name; at 8.05% interest for 2023-2024.

Pell Grant: 政府为低收入家庭学生提供的不需要偿还的助学金. The amount varies by year and by need, 2023-2024学年的最高金额为7美元,395.

ROI: Return on investment; in terms of education—you want to know that your student will get a good education and be ready for a career upon graduation.

Scholarships: 来自各种公共和私人来源的财政援助赠款, awarded based on specific criteria, anything from academic achievement to hometown. 与其他形式的经济援助不同,奖学金是不需要偿还的.

Sticker Price: 这是上学院或大学的公布费用, BEFORE any financial aid or scholarships are applied. At RWU very few students actually pay sticker price.

Direct Subsidized Loan: A federal loan awarded based on financial need. 当学生注册至少半次时,他们在开始之前不会被收取利息 repayment or during periods of deferment.

Direct Unsubsidized Loan: 不考虑经济需要而授予的联邦负担. 任何符合条件的学生都可以申请联邦无补贴贷款. 利息从贷款发放之日起至贷款全部偿还之日止.

Work Study Employment: 联邦工作学习为有经济需要的本科生提供兼职工作, 允许他们赚钱来帮助支付教育费用. 学校直接按工作时间付给学生工资.